Celinda – Belldandy245

Celinda Labrousse is a librarian and award-winning author of Imperial War Saga. She loves science fiction and anything that has to do with mysteries. Today she lives in the Northwest with her family and their two vegan cats aka bunnies. You can find out more information about her on her website. Celindalabrousse.com

What do you stream? (or write in what genre)
I stream writing sprints, answer writing questions, and now making book covers on canva.

How long have you been streaming?
A few months.

How do you keep your viewers engaged?
Um, I wish I knew 🙂

What is your favorite thing about streaming?
Interacting with people while getting work done. My audience keeps me accountable.

Where can people find you?
Belldandy245 on Twitch and Celinda Labrousse on Youtube

When can people find you on Twitch?
Um, check my schedule, I’ll be working on making it more consistent soon.

Diane Verrochi aka NursingGeek

Tell us a little about you:

I’m a geek, a writer, a gamer, a nurse educator, and sporadic textile arts enthusiast. I’ve been writing since I was a kid, got put off it thanks to a creative writing professor who didn’t believe “genre” was real writing, and decades later got writing again thanks to the fanfiction community on LiveJournal. These days, I’m working on honing my craft to hopefully start putting some original stories out into the world. Some of my current influences are Mary Robinette Kowal and the rest of the Writing Excuses podcasters (Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, Howard Tayler, and their various awesome guests). On the gaming side, I lean towards open sandboxes like Minecraft and character-centric story games like Spiritfarer, or else extreme weirdness combined with weaponized kindness aka GISH (the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt). LGBTQIA+ health is my passion as a nurse and nurse educator, and that tends to come through in both my storytelling and my gameplay.

What do you stream? (or write in what genre)
I write mostly contemporary fantasy, and I stream a combination of writing and gaming. I’m just dipping my toes in as a streamer, so I’m not sure what the balance between the two will be yet.

How long have you been streaming?
Really just started today.

How do you keep your viewers engaged?
So far, thinking out loud as I write and keeping an eye on chat via my phone.

What is your favorite thing about streaming?
Interacting with other folks who enjoy similar things.

Where can people find you?
I’m not great with social media, but can sometimes be found on Twitter at @nursinggeek and Tumblr, also @nursinggeek.

When can people find you on Twitch?

Mar Qaroll – Qarollverse

Mar Qaroll, known as Qarollverse on Twitch, is a transmasculine author with a penchant for dark things. A metalhead, melanophiliac, and melomaniac, he sits hunched (tut tut) at his computer desk writing for hours upon hours from shortly after awakening to shortly before sleeping. He likes to say writing keeps him alive; he lives with MDD, major depressive disorder, and is open about his experiences and life.

Mar’s mother encouraged him to write even before he could make out the alphabet. He remembers scribbling in Disney Princess notebooks as if he could. He often says he was “born with a blank piece of paper and writing utensil in hand”. Despite this, his true writing journey only began in 2017 when he finished his first novel.

Being the only writer he knows offline, Mar has struggled with the loneliness and challenges as one for most of his life. Through streaming, he is no longer alone, and when he thinks he talks too much with his fellow writers, they assure him he isn’t every single time.

Outside of writing, Mar loves to inline skate, listen to metal music, and collect things he likes that are colored black.

What do you stream?

I write erotic romance, science-fantasy, paranormal and supernatural tales, psychological horror (or a darn good attempt at it, I hope!), and I love retelling classic or well-known stories in dark, twisted ways.

How long have you been streaming?

For about two years, I believe.

How do you keep your viewers engaged?

I talk with them!

What is your favorite thing about streaming?

Being surrounded by other writers and creatives!

Where can people find you?

My site (https://www.marqaroll.com/) has all my haunts where I can be found across the internet! I can be found on Discord (Mar Qaroll#187) nearly all the time, and I keep an eye on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/marqaroll), where I upload my stories.

When can people find you on Twitch?

I can be found on Twitch 7PM – 10 PM EST! Sometimes, just sometimes, I might go on for longer.

Miya aka MiyaWrites

Miya is an author and a freelancer in Ohio. Her streams include writing and editing her untitled collection of short stories which is set to release in December 2021. When she is not streaming or working on her latest crochet project (or spending too many hours browsing Etsy), she enjoys spending time with friends and family.

What do you stream? (or write in what genre)
I stream writing/editing/productivity sprints!

How long have you been streaming?
6 months.

How do you keep your viewers engaged?
Interaction and lo-fi!

What is your favorite thing about streaming?
I really enjoy the community that I’ve found through streaming as well as the accountability.

Where can people find you?
@MiyaWritesBooks on Twitter and MiyaWrites on Twitch!

When can people find you on Twitch?
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10am EST

Travis J Croken aka The Calm Scribe

The Calm Scribe, Travis J. Croken, is a community developer, novelist, and writer working out of Ontario, Canada where he lives with his wife, daughter, and dog. He hosts The Writer’s Chat on Twitch which features work on his latest novel, The Lion of Arkxinomas, and his weekly injection of flash fiction creativity, Story Cube Fridays. Streams also include classic films, games, workshops, panels, and interviews with other creatives. He is also the Events and Partnerships Manager with Plottr, the world’s #1 visual story plotting and outlining software.

What do you stream?

The Writer’s Chat and Scribe’s Journey. I write in multiple genres including sci-fi, thriller, and YA.

How long have you been streaming?

1 year.

How do you keep your viewers engaged?

Writing on stream, consistency, and interactive streams that assist others.

What is your favorite thing about streaming?


Where can people find you?


When can people find you on Twitch?

Darth Nikolas – TheClosetForge

Darth Nikolas is a writer, worldbuilder, Twitch streamer, and gamer. A lifelong writer, Nik has always been fascinated with science-fiction, fantasy, and horror, starting many projects over the years. He lives in Montana with his husband and seven of their eight amazing children. Amidst the chaos, Nik is currently finishing his first novel, the urban fantasy Dark Playground, and a space-fantasy TTRPG and novel setting, Astraeus Zephyrus.

What do you stream?

Mostly I stream Writing (Fantasy, Horror) and a tiny bit of random gaming.

How long have you been streaming?

1 year.

How do you keep your viewers engaged?

I do progress sprints, offer help discussing ideas, and offer to showcase people’s work.

What is your favorite thing about streaming?

I love the community and the sense of accountability that comes with being on to interact with and support my friends.

Where can people find you?

Twitter @darth_nikolas, Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/theclosetforge, or https://www.worldanvil.com/w/the-closet-forge-darthnikolas

When can people find you on Twitch?

Wed – Sun 12:00 AM – 2:00 AM MDT

Short Story Prompt Day 31

Today is January 31st, and here we are at the end of the 31 Short Stories in 31 Days challenge! Whether you’ve followed along each and every day, only dropped by once or twice, or anywhere in-between, we hope this challenge has been a fun and rewarding experience for all involved.


Your latest project is quickly nearing completion, but the deadline is approaching even faster.

Retro Alarm Clock

Short Story Prompt Day 30

We’re nearly there! With only two days remaining in the 31 Short Stories in 31 Days challenge, we hope these prompts are working to help you keep those creative juices flowing.


Many years after waking up with no memory of themself or their past, an amnesiac suddenly remembers everything from their prior life.

In The Fog

Short Story Prompt Day 29

Three days left! Today’s prompt is #29 in the 31 Short Stories in 31 Days challenge. As this challenge nears its conclusion, we hope these prompts have helped to bring out your creativity.


A person wakes up alone to the sound of voices, and gradually comes to the realization that they can now hear the thoughts of anyone and everyone nearby.


Short Story Prompt Day 28

Welcome to the 28th day of the 31 Short Stories in 31 Days challenge! For those following along, we’re in the home stretch now. For those just stopping by, we hope these prompts inspire you all the same.


Write a story that shifts to a different protagonist partway through.

Over Here - No, This Way