Theme: Unexpected Happiness
Prompt: Meet an old friend and explore childhood all over again.

OR use this sentence in your story:
The blades of grass squished through my toes.
Where Writing and Success Come Together
Theme: Unexpected Happiness
Prompt: Meet an old friend and explore childhood all over again.
OR use this sentence in your story:
The blades of grass squished through my toes.
Theme: Messages from afar.
Imagine a screen being interacted with blinks in morse code and responds to what is spoken to the device.
Or use this sentence:
How could this be happening?
Theme: Messages from afar.
Prompt: How does an echo affect a cave rescue?
OR Use this sentence in the story:
The smooth nature of some walls contrasted with the rough nature of the larger portions of the cave.
Theme: Messages from afar
Imagine moving into an older home and discovering long lost letters that tell a story when brought together.
or use this sentence in the story:
A carefully folded paper comes out of the sealed box.
Theme: Messages from afar
Prompt: Imagine being isolated in an abandoned hospital, but communicating with someone you’ve never met from another time or place.
Or use this sentence:
Echos of the past resonate off the page.
Theme: Messages from a far
A bottle washes up with a message etched on the surface.
Or use this sentence:
A single message can change everything.
Theme: Natural Disasters
Huddle below ground with your character and their pets for the duration of some disaster. Share the experience.
OR use this sentence in your story:
Is it quiet yet?
Theme: Natural Disasters
Imagine the moments before the impact of a hurricane and share that with the audience.
Or open the story with this sentence:
We knew it was coming.
THEME: Natural Disaster
An area affected by drought has a pop up thunderstorm change the landscape.
Or use this sentence in your story:
The wind spread the fire across the field in mere moments.
Theme: Natural Disasters
A character walks upon a town clearly flattened by something.
What does it look like? What caused it? Share and show! 🙂
Or you can use this sentence in the story:
A whine winding through the cavern pierced the silence.