What is the definition of a Story or Short story for 31d31s?

Recently, it’s come to my attention there is a little confusion about what constitutes a story for this challenge. I attempted to clarify during the event, but did not make myself very clear. With this in mind, I want to clear up any uncertainty.

My first stop was Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary. This is what I found:

Story (noun) – 1) an account of incidents or events 2a) a fictional account shorter than a novel

child reading a book

So, that sums up nicely the way I define a story. A short story is going to be something you create as a storyteller. It might be a slice of daily life, or it might be a complex take down of the covert dark government on a world far from home, or it might just be how the toes got polished different colors. It’s your story. Tell it how you want in the world you chose. Develop the plot, or write by the seat of your pants.

As long as you create your story between 1000 words and 15000 words you’re creating what qualifies for the 31 Short Stories Challenge.

As long as there are storytellers, there will always be stories. You who are reading this are a storyteller. You got this.

Create. Enjoy. Have fun!