Genre: Adventure
Prompt: Discover a treasure and fend off challenges to get it home.

Be sure to share where you’ve been finding your prompts this month! And give a streamer in the Writing and Reading category a thanks for streaming!
Where Writing and Success Come Together
Genre: Adventure
Prompt: Discover a treasure and fend off challenges to get it home.
Be sure to share where you’ve been finding your prompts this month! And give a streamer in the Writing and Reading category a thanks for streaming!
Genre: Scifi
Prompt: A snack turns into a first contact event.
We’re about the halfway point. Use #SoF25 and tell us how many stories you’ve gotten done! Can’t wait to see them! 🙂
Genre: Thriller
Prompt: Random sound creeps through the house, moving with the character without ever being seen.
Genre: Mystery
Prompt: Find an ominous light and discover the source.
Genre: Scifi
Prompt: A race from an asteroid and the impact it may leave behind.
Genre: Space Opera
Prompt: Imagine discovering a ship that is also a lifeform.
Make sure you’re visiting great streamers like who know creating every day makes a difference in your writing, but also knows you are the best drive for it all. You’ve got this! Let’s keep chatting about writing together!
Genre – Contemporary
Prompt – Adventures lead to chaos, as bards are drawn to it, create a story in song.
Genre – Urban Fantasy
Prompt – Chasing an animal into the forest uncovers the most unexpected situation for the city.
Stories on Fire 2025 is off to a great start so far! How many have you finished?
Genre Romantascy
Prompt: Create an uncharacteristic romantic pairing among the gnomes and elves.
A talking bird emerges among people creating chaos along the way that can only be resolved by teaching them social skills.