Genre: Scifi
Prompt: Chasing a cat into the house leads to something fun.

Where Writing and Success Come Together
Genre: Scifi
Prompt: Chasing a cat into the house leads to something fun.
Genre: Adventure
Prompt: Discover a treasure and fend off challenges to get it home.
Be sure to share where you’ve been finding your prompts this month! And give a streamer in the Writing and Reading category a thanks for streaming!
Genre: Scifi
Prompt: A snack turns into a first contact event.
Genre: Action
Prompt: Detain a wily thief.
Genre: Fantasy
Prompt: A cat speaks to teach a lesson and then stops being a talking cat.
Genre: Mystery
Prompt: Find an ominous light and discover the source.
Genre: Scifi
Prompt: A race from an asteroid and the impact it may leave behind.
Genre – Contemporary
Prompt – Adventures lead to chaos, as bards are drawn to it, create a story in song.
Genre – Adventure
Prompt – Opening a rescue is a lot of work, especially when the rescue is for wayward wolf pups. What happens when one isn’t what it seems to be?
Genre – Urban Fantasy
Prompt – Chasing an animal into the forest uncovers the most unexpected situation for the city.