Day 22 – 31 Days to 31 Stories

A good prompt day? Maybe, but we’ll have to see. You tell me Monday morning!

Four Elements

Prompt 1 –

Imagine the world facing a moment of total peace. What does that look like? How does your character feel? How do they handle it?

Prompt 2 –

A calm settled over the crowd.

Day 21 – 31 Days to 31 Stories

We’re keeping this short and sweet again. I think though, some of us might find this to be the most tragic prompt of the month.


Prompt 1
Imagine a world without (coffee, tea, your favorite warm beverage) and how it affects your character and the world around them.

Prompt 2

Fingers grasp the warm mug as steam rolls off the top into the chilled air.

Day 19 – 31 Days to 31 Stories

So, today we’re going to consider a new environment, but similar themes.

Woman Teacher Cartoon

Prompt 1 –

An unexpected impact has demolished the school your character works in. Show us how to rescue the children and the determine what impacted the building.

Prompt 2 –

The monster that hurt me will stop hunting by the end of class. I just can’t let the students know.

Coral shared this sentences prompt with us – you can see her on twitch at

Day 7 – 31 Days 31 Stories Prompt

Prompt 1 –

Imagine a spiraling tunnel of wind swirling around your character, lifting their feet from the ground. Where do they land? What condition are they in? Are they in Kansas anymore? Do they know where Toto is?

Prompt 2 –

Incomparable fear enveloped them like a tsunami washes away everything in its path.


All prompts are optional, but they are a nice way to track how many you’ve done. How many have you done?

What streamers have you visited? Feel free to share! We’d love to know.

Day 6 – 31 Days 31 Stories Prompts

I figured we could change things up a bit. Should be fun! Prompt reminders are at the bottom in case you need them.

This year is starting out fantastically! The stories are coming out and flowing. It is still early though. How are your experiences?

Night Thinking

Prompt 1

A moment to rest becomes a moment of startling realization, and unexpected truths revealed.

Prompt 2

Use this sentence:
A moment of perfection rarely came.

So, what do you think of the story prompts so far? Have you visited the streamers to share what you’re creating? Or discuss it? It’s a lot of fun.

Keep in mind:
Prompt 1 will be a scene setting sort of prompt.
Prompt 2 will be a ‘Use this sentence (or partial sentence) prompt.

All prompts are optional, but a nice way to track how many you’ve done.