A soft whistle breaks the silence of the moment.
Day 25 Prompt 1
Discover the child/pet your character rescued from the burning building, and bonded with, is related to your nemesis.
Day 22 Prompt 1
Write a story you’ve already created this month from the perspective of an animal in the story, or an insect watching it.
Day 19 Prompt 2
Use this sentence:
A soft breeze gave way to fragrant smells and welcoming sounds of a rural town.
Day 19 Prompt 1
Your character is shipwrecked without the usual contact methods. They are not alone, but is that (person, animal, creature, alien) friend or foe?
Day 16 Prompt 1
In a moment of peace, life is swept away, leaving chaos in its wake. It could have been stopped.
Day 13 Prompt 1
Birth heralds the growth of one kingdom and the doom of another.
Day 12 Prompt 2 Use this sentence
The hustle and bustle became a welcomed distraction.
Day 12 Prompt 1
A widow discovers a portal to another world, finding a whole new life there even aged. She will be compelled to return, but will she follow through?
Day 11 Prompt 2 Use this sentence
The dog sniffed (her/him/them) until they backed away before he returned to my side.