Stories on Fire: Prompt Day 10

Did you finish your story? Did you get words in? Tell us about it here

We’re tracking to reach our goals this year. Together we’ll go further!

If you want to track your progress, check this out.

Extraterrestrial threats

Prompt 1

The night sky brightens like daylight. Show why this happened and how it affected the characters.

supernova in the night sky

Prompt 2

Use this sentence in the story:

There is only one thing this light could be.

BONUS: Video Prompt:

Watch the above linked video and create a story around it with our theme in mind. Can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with! 🙂

Stories on Fire 2024 Prompt Day 9

Did you finish your story? Did you get words in? Tell us about it here

We’re tracking to reach our goals this year. Together we’ll go further!

If you want to track your progress, check this out.

Extraterrestrial threats

Prompt 1

Silence in the cavern indicates the latest bombardment is over. Step outside of the cave and show everyone the aftermath of the unexpected asteroid shower.

Prompt 2

As the animal stands there, clearly out of place, strategies come to mind.

Have you seen NixFlare Stream! If you haven’t you’re missing out!

Stories on Fire: THEME CHANGE Prompt Day 8

Did you finish your story? Did you get words in? Tell us about it here

We’re tracking to reach our goals this year. Together we’ll go further!

If you want to track your progress, check this out.

Extraterrestrial threats

Prompt 1

Imagine a strange light over a farmer’s field that starts a fire. Tell us about the start and aftermath of the fire.

Prompt 2
Use this sentence:

Playing back the events for a room full of people left more questions than answers.

Stories on Fire Prompt Day 7

Did you finish your story? Did you get words in? Tell us about it here

We’re tracking to reach our goals this year. Together we’ll go further!

If you want to track your progress, check this out.

Theme: Animals

Prompt 1

A race against time creates an unexpected resolution for a problem never revealed before now. Share it!

Prompt 2

Use this sentence:

It’s over now.

Remember, theme change tomorrow! Have you seen ? Watch for him in the coming weeks! You’ll be glad you did.

Stories on Fire: Prompt Day 6

Did you finish your story? Did you get words in? Tell us about it here

We’re tracking to reach our goals this year. Together we’ll go further!

If you want to track your progress, check this out.

Theme: Animals

Prompt 1

Race through the forest and find the animal to help a character out of the location safely.

Prompt 2

Use this sentence:
Sneaking around the tallest branches left a hidden sense of protection.

Stories on Fire: Prompt Day 5

Did you finish your story? Did you get words in? Tell us about it here

We’re tracking to reach our goals this year. Together we’ll go further!

If you want to track your progress, check this out.

Theme: Animals

Prompt 1:

A curious fox from the countryside finds itself in a bustling city.

Prompt 2
Use this sentence:
My world shattered and you want me to smile?

Have you seen the talented Nursing Geek? You should! She does great streams with #StoriesonFire every year. Visit her at

Stories on Fire: Prompt Day 3

Did you finish your story? Did you get words in? Tell us about it here

We’re tracking to reach our goals this year. Together we’ll go further!

If you want to track your progress, check this out.

Theme: Animals

Prompt 1
A parrot, living with a family for years, begins to mimic conversations it has overheard, revealing secrets and causing chaos in the neighborhood.

Prompt 2

Use this sentence in the story:

You wouldn’t believe what I heard!

Stories on Fire: Prompt Day 2

Did you finish your story? Did you get words in? Tell us about it here

We’re tracking to reach our goals this year. Together we’ll go further!

If you want to track your progress, check this out.

Theme: Animals

Prompt 1
Visualize a moment when a group of animals ingeniously escapes from a zoo. What sparked their plan?

Prompt 2
Use this sentence in the story:
Maximum efficiency yields the best results.

Have you visited the incredible CoffeeQuill’s? They’ll be streaming Stories on Fire with goals that are always mind blowing. Check them out at