Things to come

This summer is going to be busy – We’ve already been busy. 

Writer’s CONduit was a huge success. If you missed it, that’s fine. It was just our first year. We ended a three-day weekend with international scheduling for 77+ panels, guests, and fantastic discussions. There was a host of excitement, planned events, and wonderful support. Our Twitch Based event was one of the biggest, most exciting things I have ever been privileged to be a part of. 

Topics covered ranged from representation to writing as a business. It covered things like Streaming101 and picking your publishing track between Traditional and Independent. This amazing resource was 100% free of charge to anyone who wanted to see it. It will continue to be free of charge when you visit the YouTube channel. 

You can follow and for videos, VODs, and updates. If you want to learn more about what’s going on around twitch, what’s going on in the writing community, or get involved with Writer’s CONduit 2022 please feel free to visit the website and get signed up for the newsletter.

Going forward we have many wonderful events coming up just around the twitch writing community, but really even beyond. I am participating in Game of Tomes Tournament – Tourney of Tales, I believe as well as the 4thewords River Festival events. The great thing about these two is that I can combine my efforts and still contribute to both. There are streams all over twitch offering support for both events. If you search GoT or 4thewords you’ll find someone fun to chat with while you’re writing your next masterpiece. 

The other major project I’m undertaking for July is preparation for 31 Short Stories in 31 Days. That’s a challenge event I coordinate twice a year with the help of many really incredible twitch streams and friends. If you participated in January, you’ll be thrilled to see an upgraded guidebook, available both in print and ebook. We will be releasing this second edition under Creative Commons and the print version will be at cost. 

The guidebook will have many fun and fantastic options it had before, including 35 writing prompts, info on the event, and some fleshed-out guidance. All of the streamers participating in the challenge will be able to give away a free version of the book. It will also have a glossary of industry terms, just to make it easier for everyone after the event. We’re working on an Edit Your Short Story challenge as well. All of the stories written during 31s31d will be eligible for submission to the 31 Tales magazine, launching in December this year. 

31 Tales is a charity magazine only accepting short story submissions from individuals participating in the event. This magazine will support Doctors Without Borders, but also help those submitting learn the process of submissions, contracts, etc. The short story cap for these tales is 3000 words, leaving plenty of room for many authors to contribute. 

All participants in 31s31d will also get a code for a free month to play 4theWords. If you opt to join the challenge, it would be a pleasure to gift that to you. 

We’re working on many other ways to bring value to our community and share in the incredible opportunities ahead. Watch this space for more information on 31 Short Stories in 31 Days and the streamers involved.

I can’t wait to share more! 

challenge word in transparent glass shapes

You can check out more about 31 Stories in 31 days by visiting the Short Stories Challenge Page

Author Brian Lou – 31 Short Stories Veteran

Check out Author Brian Lou on Twitch!

Brian is a graduate of the State University of New York at Oswego’s creative writing program. Books and the worlds they evoke have been a passion his whole life, and he has wanted to be a writer since the age of fourteen. Now two decades later, streaming his writing alongside others he’s found within the streaming writers community has provided him the motivation to finally pursue that dream.

Those twenty years did not pass idly by. In that time, he’s been attending regular writing workshops for practice and to keep sharp. One of those groups self-published an anthology of their work entitled “Zarf,” in which he is featured four times. Sci-fi and fantasy (or a mixture of the two) short stories are Brian’s genres of choice for his work.

He also creates poetry, typically done stream-of-consciousness. Some of his material is available through his Patreon, “The Loose Page.” Outside of writing, Brian is a board game enthusiast, avid LARPer, tabletop roleplayer, and occasional video gamer.

What do you write?
Sci-fi and fantasy writing, or poetry

How long have you been streaming?
Since November of 2020

How do you keep your viewers engaged?
Sundays are dedicated to interactive writing sprints, where viewers are invited to join a voice chat and share what they wrote in those ten minutes.

What is your favorite thing about streaming?
It keeps me accountable for my writing and has been a valuable source of motivation.

Where can people find you?
Twitter: @AuthorBrianLou

When can people find you on Twitch?
Weekends – 10am-12pm EST

A Veteran with flair!

Brian has already made it through 31 short stories in 31 days – creating a story for the inaugural edition of 31 Tales that is both enjoyable and attention-catching for any scifi fan. He took on streaming our weekend shifts to help ensure those venturing into 31 short stories in 31 days have someone available at all times for support and interaction. He and his army of paper airplanes make the weekend fun for all writers.

CoffeeQuills – 31 Short Story 31 Days Challenge Collector

Coffee Quills is a quaffer of coffee, a hugger of hedgehogs, and a slinger of ink. Writing under flickering neon lights, they take inspiration from a range of media and enjoy mashing together genres as they write. Post-nuclear apocalypse cozy mystery? Working on it! Detecting in a steampunk/magic ocean-side fantasy? Sounds good too! Most of their writing has an optimistic slant to it with found families, protection, and love wins being found in most (if not all, in varying degrees) of their writing.  

Describing Coffee is akin to describing one part of a patchwork cloak, and that can be seen in their writing. Spells, Snow, & Sky is a polyamorous paranormal romance, but they also write for 4thewords (an online RPG for writers) and have horror drabbles published with The Horror Tree and Black Hare Press. Web serials on Wattpad and Royal Road go from romance to sky pirates to video game isekai.  

Coffee runs on ink and is a friendly person. Feel free to say hello on Twitter, Twitch, or in 4thewords!

What do you stream? (or write in what genre)

4thewords / writing

How long have you been streaming?

Since July 2020

How do you keep your viewers engaged?

I talk to viewers during breaks, use Stream Avatars to give hugs & fight, and have channel points to be redeemed.

Where can people find you?

People can find me on Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, and at 4thewords as CoffeeQuills.

If you bring a hedgehog you might get a little extra talk time out of Coffee too!

Pride Ascending – Writing Streamer


Pride (They/Them) is an autistic queer stay at home parent to an eleven animal menagerie, who takes joy in crafting, writing, gaming, and world building. They have been streaming off and on for four years, tending to stream gaming and crafting content. More recently they’ve started to stream their writing content. Their writing focuses more on Fiction, Fantasy, and Sci-Fi and contains a lot of LGBTQIA+ themes and characters. Their favorite books include The Sword of Truth series by Terry Brooks and The Night Runner Series by Lynn Flewelling. Their favorite movies include Running Free, Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken, and War Horse. A few goals for the future include owning their own horses, running charity fundraising events, and publishing some of their stories.

What do you stream? (or write in what genre)
Writing (Mostly Fiction/Fantasy/Sci-Fi), Gaming (Story/Survival mostly)

How long have you been streaming?
Off and On for close to four years now. Started on Mixer shortly after it changed names from Beam, then moved to Twitch. Recently got affiliated with Twitch as well =D

How do you keep your viewers engaged?
I tend to ask a lot of questions of my viewers, and I love going into depth and explaining things when people have questions about my work. I find that this sort of interaction helps me as a writer and keeps my viewers engaged in what I’m presenting them.

What is your favorite thing about streaming?

Being able to show off everything I’m passionate about to the people who share my interests. I like to teach people about the games I play, show off the animals I own, and explore the situations my characters find themselves in. I believe that all of these entertain and help those who are like me and learn by first-hand experience. It’s also a good way for me to connect with people when I ordinarily might not be able to do so otherwise.

Where can people find you?

If you have time, don’t hesitate to check out the fun PrideAscending’s twitch stream where you’ll have fun, get some writing done, and know you’re in great company!

This Summer on and off Twitch

This summer is going to be busy – We’ve already been busy. 

Writer’s CONduit was a huge success. If you missed it, that’s fine. It was just our first year. We ended a three-day weekend with international scheduling for 77+ panels, guests, and fantastic discussions. There was a host of excitement, planned events, and wonderful support. Our Twitch Based event was one of the biggest, most exciting things I have ever been privileged to be a part of. 

Topics covered ranged from representation to writing as a business. It covered things like Streaming101 and picking your publishing future between Traditional and Independent (hybrid is also a great option). This amazing resource was 100% free of charge to anyone who wanted to see it. It will continue to be free of charge when you visit the YouTube channel. 

Follow or subscribe: and for videos, VODs, and updates. If you want to learn more about what’s going on around twitch, what’s going on in the writing community, or get involved with Writer’s CONduit 2022 please feel free to visit the website and get signed up for the newsletter.

Going forward we have many wonderful events coming up just around the twitch writing community, but really even beyond. I am participating in the Game of Tomes Tournament – Tourney of Tales, I believe as well as the 4thewords River Festival events. The great thing about these two is that I can combine my efforts and still contribute to both. There are streams all over twitch offering support for both events. If you search GoT or 4thewords you’ll find someone fun to chat with while you’re writing your next masterpiece. 

The other major project I’m undertaking for July is preparation for 31 Short Stories in 31 Days. That’s a challenge event I coordinate twice a year with the help of many really incredible twitch streams and friends. If you participated in January, you’ll be thrilled to see an upgraded guide book, available both in print and ebook. We will be releasing this second edition under Creative Commons and the print version will be at cost. 

The guide book will have many fun and fantastic options it had before, including 35 writing prompts, info on the event, and some fleshed out guidance. All of the streamers participating in the challenge will be able to give away a free version of the book. It will also have a glossary of industry terms, just to make it easier for everyone after the event. We’re working on an Edit Your Short Story challenge as well. All of the stories written during 31s31d will be eligible for submission to the 31 Tales magazine, launching in December this year. 

31 Tales is a charity magazine only accepting short story submissions from individuals participating in the event. This magazine will support Doctors Without Borders, but also help those submitting learn the process of submissions, contracts, etc. The short story cap for these tales is 3000 words, leaving plenty of room for many authors to contribute. 

All participants in 31s31d will also get a code for a free month to play 4theWords. If you opt to join the challenge, it would be a pleasure to gift that to you. This custom hoodie comes with every free month in addition to the chests of goodies.

We’re working on many other ways to bring value to our community and share in the incredible opportunities ahead. Watch this space for more information on 31 Short Stories in 31 Days and the streamers involved. 

Test Prompt for 31s31d (take 2)

This summer is going to be a busy time for us.

challenge word in transparent glass shapes

CONduit is on the 25th through the 27th

Our streaming Panel Discussion is on the 19th

Our fun stuff including travel, events, and a convention will be in July.

Now we are trying to make the 31 days event easier on the organizers and support time by automating our prompts posting in the discord group. Let’s hope this works.

This will be a summer to remember.

Short Story Prompt Day 31

Today is January 31st, and here we are at the end of the 31 Short Stories in 31 Days challenge! Whether you’ve followed along each and every day, only dropped by once or twice, or anywhere in-between, we hope this challenge has been a fun and rewarding experience for all involved.


Your latest project is quickly nearing completion, but the deadline is approaching even faster.

Retro Alarm Clock

Short Story Prompt Day 30

We’re nearly there! With only two days remaining in the 31 Short Stories in 31 Days challenge, we hope these prompts are working to help you keep those creative juices flowing.


Many years after waking up with no memory of themself or their past, an amnesiac suddenly remembers everything from their prior life.

In The Fog

Short Story Prompt Day 29

Three days left! Today’s prompt is #29 in the 31 Short Stories in 31 Days challenge. As this challenge nears its conclusion, we hope these prompts have helped to bring out your creativity.


A person wakes up alone to the sound of voices, and gradually comes to the realization that they can now hear the thoughts of anyone and everyone nearby.


Short Story Prompt Day 28

Welcome to the 28th day of the 31 Short Stories in 31 Days challenge! For those following along, we’re in the home stretch now. For those just stopping by, we hope these prompts inspire you all the same.


Write a story that shifts to a different protagonist partway through.

Over Here - No, This Way