Pride Ascending – Writing Streamer


Pride (They/Them) is an autistic queer stay at home parent to an eleven animal menagerie, who takes joy in crafting, writing, gaming, and world building. They have been streaming off and on for four years, tending to stream gaming and crafting content. More recently they’ve started to stream their writing content. Their writing focuses more on Fiction, Fantasy, and Sci-Fi and contains a lot of LGBTQIA+ themes and characters. Their favorite books include The Sword of Truth series by Terry Brooks and The Night Runner Series by Lynn Flewelling. Their favorite movies include Running Free, Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken, and War Horse. A few goals for the future include owning their own horses, running charity fundraising events, and publishing some of their stories.

What do you stream? (or write in what genre)
Writing (Mostly Fiction/Fantasy/Sci-Fi), Gaming (Story/Survival mostly)

How long have you been streaming?
Off and On for close to four years now. Started on Mixer shortly after it changed names from Beam, then moved to Twitch. Recently got affiliated with Twitch as well =D

How do you keep your viewers engaged?
I tend to ask a lot of questions of my viewers, and I love going into depth and explaining things when people have questions about my work. I find that this sort of interaction helps me as a writer and keeps my viewers engaged in what I’m presenting them.

What is your favorite thing about streaming?

Being able to show off everything I’m passionate about to the people who share my interests. I like to teach people about the games I play, show off the animals I own, and explore the situations my characters find themselves in. I believe that all of these entertain and help those who are like me and learn by first-hand experience. It’s also a good way for me to connect with people when I ordinarily might not be able to do so otherwise.

Where can people find you?

If you have time, don’t hesitate to check out the fun PrideAscending’s twitch stream where you’ll have fun, get some writing done, and know you’re in great company!