Prompt 1
A large family reunion goes haywire when an animal crashes the party.
Prompt 2
“Well, you know what they say about family…”

You can visit AmandaPanda on Twitch for more fun like our ‘use this sentence’ prompt.
Where Writing and Success Come Together
Prompt 1
A large family reunion goes haywire when an animal crashes the party.
Prompt 2
“Well, you know what they say about family…”
You can visit AmandaPanda on Twitch for more fun like our ‘use this sentence’ prompt.
Prompt 1 –
Imagine a spiraling tunnel of wind swirling around your character, lifting their feet from the ground. Where do they land? What condition are they in? Are they in Kansas anymore? Do they know where Toto is?
Prompt 2 –
Incomparable fear enveloped them like a tsunami washes away everything in its path.
All prompts are optional, but they are a nice way to track how many youâve done. How many have you done?
What streamers have you visited? Feel free to share! We’d love to know.
I figured we could change things up a bit. Should be fun! Prompt reminders are at the bottom in case you need them.
This year is starting out fantastically! The stories are coming out and flowing. It is still early though. How are your experiences?
Prompt 1
A moment to rest becomes a moment of startling realization, and unexpected truths revealed.
Prompt 2
Use this sentence:
A moment of perfection rarely came.
So, what do you think of the story prompts so far? Have you visited the streamers to share what you’re creating? Or discuss it? It’s a lot of fun.
Keep in mind:
Prompt 1 will be a scene setting sort of prompt.
Prompt 2 will be a âUse this sentence (or partial sentence) prompt.
All prompts are optional, but a nice way to track how many youâve done.
âSapha is like a young Wolfgang Pauli, in every laboratory he went, there was a little explosion.â Cyberpunk/magic realism author and poet Sapha Burnellâs works (Usurper Kings, Son of Abel & Neon Lieben) were dubbed âjaw-droppingly beautifulâ, âan insane, diabolical, kick-ass rollercoasterâ and âhauntingly beautifulâ. Literary critic Ella J said of Neon Lieben, âI never thought a science fiction story could be so beautifulâ. Sapha writes on the interlock between mysticism, mythology and science with a pugilistâs eye. The product of Vancouverâs multiculturalism, Sapha steeped in divergent cultures, religious experiences and gender roles, until battling with traditional opinions became a daily war. On hiatus from the written word, she volunteered in West Africa, and returned to Canada with an international perspective. As an editor & literary theorist, Saphaâs work focuses on comparative mythology & the ethics of futurism. On Twitch, Sapha critiques prose twice a week, and writes online once. A member of The Writers Union of Canada, Sapha lives in BC with their spouse and speaks on gender roles, cyberpunk, martial arts, comparative mythology, wine education and religion, when the #hallowesfam isnât chatting it up on discord or twitch.
What do you stream? (or write in what genre)
Editing, and writing Cyberpunk & Magic Realism.
How long have you been streaming?
2 years.
How do you keep your viewers engaged?
Featuring their content.
What is your favorite thing about streaming?
The Community.
Where can people find you?
When can people find you on Twitch?
Tues: 6pm – 12 am PST
Wed: 11:30 am – 2:30 pm PST
Thurs: 2 pm – 5:30 pm PST
Remember: Prompts are not required.
You can merge prompts if you choose.
You can use your own prompts or your own intention for your story as well.
The biggest goal is to produce a short story over 1,000 within 24 hours from the time you began (or in the time you committed to)
Prompt 1 will be a scene setting type of prompt.
Prompt 2 will be a “Use this sentence (or partial sentence)” prompt.
Keep in mind we’re also doing great stuff on the discord channel. We’re creating threads and developing chatter and story ideas. See you there!
Prompt 1 – Submitted by DarthTorLin via TwitchStream
A Trip to a Writers Convention held by Writers. Meeting all the famous writers! Who would you want to visit first? Would you hang out with Twitch Writers , and who , and why ?
Tell the story from a character’s perspective and show us how it would work for that author character.
Prompt 2 –
(Their) pulse raced until only the thumping of the heart resonated in (their) ears.
The () means we can adjust the word inside to reflect the appropriate pronoun for the given story. Pronouns are often adjustable based on situation and circumstance in a story. One day you’re creating a tale about a strapping knight and if you change he to she now you’re creating it about a woman instead. Or they could be someone who’d not allowing the world to box them in. You’ve got options. Play with it and have fun! đ
See you in the discord chat.
Todayâs should be fun to explore. It might be a bit of a challenge too.
Keep in mind:
Prompt 1 will be a scene setting sort of prompt.
Prompt 2 will be a âUse this sentence (or partial sentence) prompt.
All prompts are optional, but a nice way to track how many you’ve done.
Prompt 1
Your character discovers time travel.
Prompt 2
Everything changed when the strange sensation wore off.
Keep in mind the goal is to complete the story. Perfectly polished comes after the challenge when we edit them.
If you have any questions about story creation or writing in general, make sure you visit any one of the streamers. They are all fun and incredible people.
You can click on this link to find out who’s streaming right now
Remember: Prompts are not required.
You can merge prompts if you choose.
You can use your own prompts or your own intention for your story as well.
The biggest goal is to produce a short story over 1,000 within 24 hours from the time you began (or in the time you committed to)
Prompt 1 – Offered by Nathalia Books
Write a story about a year without summer. It’s happened before and could happen again. The Tambora event left the northern hemisphere cold enough to skip summer for a year.
Prompt 2 – Us this sentence.
The cold left no trees for warmth.
Today’s should be fun to explore. As are most unique settings, this should be a fun sort of challenge too.
Keep in mind:
Prompt 1 will be a scene setting sort of prompt.
Prompt 2 will be a ‘Use this sentence (or partial sentence) prompt.
Prompt 1:
Neighbors meet with a visiting geologist that provides facts proving their island is sinking.
Prompt 2:
Standing on the precipice…
Don’t forget to visit our streamers – like AmandaPandaSensei
She’s streaming Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 4p JST
This is 31 days to 31 stories 2022 Launching Prompt.
As in August we will have two prompts. One will be setting the scene and the other will be use the sentence. Pick one that you like and use it for your story.
Remember: Prompts are not required.
You can merge prompts if you choose.
You can use your own prompts or your own intention for your story as well.
The biggest goal is to produce a short story over 1,000 within 24 hours from the time you began (or in the time you committed to)
Prompt 1 will be a scene setting type of prompt.
Prompt 2 will be a ‘Use this sentence (or partial sentence) prompt.
Prompt 1:
Your cat warns you there’s a volcano erupting nearby.
Prompt 2:
As mesmerizing as the brilliant burst of color skyrocketing from the mountaintop appeared, the threat was clear.