A horse takes the carriage down the wrong path, despite the direction of their driver.

Where Writing and Success Come Together
A horse takes the carriage down the wrong path, despite the direction of their driver.
The beauty of the winged creature captivated the crowd.
Allow your character to explore a large building with unexpected surprises that lead to a life changing experience.
Use this sentence in your story:
My cat (dog, horse) spent the day trying to sit instead of playing.
What prompts are you using today? I’d love to find out in the discord.
Most of mine are titled on my streams – not in the stream description but my file description in 4TheWords. It sits at the top of my streams.
I’ll see you in the discord.
The unexpected pitter patter of little feet captures your MC’s attention at the worst possible moment.
A full week in! Have you read the guidebook for some ideas how to use these? Or used the gift available to everyone taking part? Are you in the giveaway?
So much is going on, stories and more! I love this community and the people in it. What are you enjoying so far?
The momentum shifted after the slide.
So, which streamers have you visited? Did you find one that fits into your regular routine? I know many of our week centric writers find Author Brian Lou to be a great place to stop Saturday and Sunday morning. I know I’ve had fun in his stream. Hope to see you there!
Create a story recalling the first day of school.
We’ve made it to day five! Our list of stories is growing. How are you feeling about it? What stories are standing out to you so far? Have you shared a bit about it in the Discord? We’d love to see it 🙂
Today’s challenge prompt should be enjoyable. Did you remember to share the favorite part of your story on yesterday’s thread? Or in the comments on the site?
The option is there for all of us so we can get feedback, offer support, and connect with each other. I’ll get mine posted to the discord as well.
On to the prompts:
Your story starts with a character racing from the police. How did they end up in that position?
Use the following sentence in your story:
Sirens echoed in the distance
Darth Nikolas is a writer, worldbuilder, Twitch streamer, and gamer. A lifelong writer, Nik has always been fascinated with science-fiction, fantasy, and horror, starting many projects over the years. He lives in Montana with his husband and seven of their eight amazing children. Amidst the chaos, Nik is currently finishing his first novel, the urban fantasy Dark Playground, and a space-fantasy TTRPG and novel setting, Astraeus Zephyrus.
What do you stream?
Mostly I stream Writing (Fantasy, Horror) and a tiny bit of random gaming.
How long have you been streaming?
1 year.
How do you keep your viewers engaged?
I do progress sprints, offer help discussing ideas, and offer to showcase people’s work.
What is your favorite thing about streaming?
I love the community and the sense of accountability that comes with being on to interact with and support my friends.
Where can people find you?
Twitter @darth_nikolas, Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/theclosetforge, or https://www.worldanvil.com/w/the-closet-forge-darthnikolas
When can people find you on Twitch?
Wed – Sun 12:00 AM – 2:00 AM MDT
Within seconds, the calm breeze became a roaring, whirling wind.
Today is going to be more challenging for me. This should create some chaos though for the main characters. Let me know what you think about this prompt when you’re done with it.
Have you enjoyed having streamers and other writers to chat with? I know the entire community has been so supportive and a whole lot of fun!
You should make sure to check out our evening writers – we have many! One I am always visiting is KittenSaphire. She’s a an adventure author.