Stories on Fire 2023 Prompts Day 1

Prompt 1
Write a story about a character who is trying to survive a natural disaster.

Prompt 2 Use this sentence in your story:

“You lost your eyes on what?”

Thank you to all of the fantastic participants and fun loving friends who’ve joined the new Stories on Fire Event!

Some streamers to check out during the month of January include:



31 Stories in 31 Days Aug 2022 Prompt Day 31

WOW! This the last prompt for 31 Days to 31 Stories for 2022! I can’t believe how fast this month flew by!

Prompt 1

Imagine life is an ever live twitch stream.


Use this Sentence:

Fear gripped [me/character/etc] like a vice.

31 Days August 2022 Prompts day 2

How are you feeling so far? I know the first week for me is always charged and raring to go. It’ll be fantastic if I can carry it through to the half of the month. Then I’ll get to connect with all of you and we’ll do a fun discussion and go from there for the second half!

Okay, onto the important stuff! Prompts!

The distant sound of rustling is out of place. Why?

Use this sentence:

Falling hard against the ground left a mark.

Alright my friends! Don’t forget to visit for a fun morning brainstorm on with the prompts, image, and goal in mind!

Day 22 – 31 Days to 31 Stories

A good prompt day? Maybe, but we’ll have to see. You tell me Monday morning!

Four Elements

Prompt 1 –

Imagine the world facing a moment of total peace. What does that look like? How does your character feel? How do they handle it?

Prompt 2 –

A calm settled over the crowd.

Day 11 – 31 Days 31 Stories Prompt

Keep in mind the first goal is to finish the short story in 24hrs

Prompt 1 will be a scene setting sort of prompt.
Prompt 2 will be a ‘Use this sentence (or partial sentence) prompt.

All prompts are optional, but a nice way to track how many you’ve done.

Cats Vintage Painting

Propt 1

Two cats are sitting on a roof discussing how to catch the birds on the electrical wire. One is successful.

Prompt 2

“You see that bird right there? He’s quite plump.”