Day 25 – 31 Days to 31 Stories

This splendid set of prompts was suggested by the indomitable Angsthase!

Disabled Boy

Prompt 1

What is it like to be a person with a disability in your world? Write a story that centres that experience.

Autism Support And Care

Prompt 2

“I’m not the problem! The problem is the barriers you’re putting in my way!”

Day 22 – 31 Days to 31 Stories

A good prompt day? Maybe, but we’ll have to see. You tell me Monday morning!

Four Elements

Prompt 1 –

Imagine the world facing a moment of total peace. What does that look like? How does your character feel? How do they handle it?

Prompt 2 –

A calm settled over the crowd.

Day 21 – 31 Days to 31 Stories

We’re keeping this short and sweet again. I think though, some of us might find this to be the most tragic prompt of the month.


Prompt 1
Imagine a world without (coffee, tea, your favorite warm beverage) and how it affects your character and the world around them.

Prompt 2

Fingers grasp the warm mug as steam rolls off the top into the chilled air.

Day 16 – 31 Days to 31 Stories

Let’s see what we’ll come up with today!

We’ll do things like it we did yesterday, only not as dark.

Cat On The Tree 1

Prompt 1
Your character encounters a small animal stuck in a tree. Show us how they freed the animal.

Prompt 2

The piercing sound of fear resonated off the walls, waking everyone who could hear.

Day 11 – 31 Days 31 Stories Prompt

Keep in mind the first goal is to finish the short story in 24hrs

Prompt 1 will be a scene setting sort of prompt.
Prompt 2 will be a ‘Use this sentence (or partial sentence) prompt.

All prompts are optional, but a nice way to track how many you’ve done.

Cats Vintage Painting

Propt 1

Two cats are sitting on a roof discussing how to catch the birds on the electrical wire. One is successful.

Prompt 2

“You see that bird right there? He’s quite plump.”

Day 9 – 31 Days to 31 Stories Prompt

So, I might have discussed this one on the stream …

Solar Activity

Prompt 1

Intense geomagnetic storm washes over the Earth (or planet of your choice). What is the impact? How does your character, species, people respond?

Prompt 2

“I saw it coming the moment it left the sphere.”

Have you visited CoffeeQuills stream lately? She’s a third time 31 days participant. Ask her about her experience.

In case you want another fun and 31 days experienced streamer to visit, you should check out Angsthase. She creates fun, slice of life stories that draw you in and hold on to you. Go check it out.

Sapha Burnell – UsurperKings

“Sapha is like a young Wolfgang Pauli, in every laboratory he went, there was a little explosion.” Cyberpunk/magic realism author and poet Sapha Burnell’s works (Usurper Kings, Son of Abel & Neon Lieben) were dubbed “jaw-droppingly beautiful”, “an insane, diabolical, kick-ass rollercoaster” and “hauntingly beautiful”. Literary critic Ella J said of Neon Lieben, “I never thought a science fiction story could be so beautiful”. Sapha writes on the interlock between mysticism, mythology and science with a pugilist’s eye. The product of Vancouver’s multiculturalism, Sapha steeped in divergent cultures, religious experiences and gender roles, until battling with traditional opinions became a daily war. On hiatus from the written word, she volunteered in West Africa, and returned to Canada with an international perspective. As an editor & literary theorist, Sapha’s work focuses on comparative mythology & the ethics of futurism. On Twitch, Sapha critiques prose twice a week, and writes online once. A member of The Writers Union of Canada, Sapha lives in BC with their spouse and speaks on gender roles, cyberpunk, martial arts, comparative mythology, wine education and religion, when the #hallowesfam isn’t chatting it up on discord or twitch.

What do you stream? (or write in what genre)
Editing, and writing Cyberpunk & Magic Realism.

How long have you been streaming?
2 years.

How do you keep your viewers engaged?
Featuring their content.

What is your favorite thing about streaming?
The Community.

Where can people find you?

When can people find you on Twitch?
Tues: 6pm – 12 am PST
Wed: 11:30 am – 2:30 pm PST
Thurs: 2 pm – 5:30 pm PST

Day 2 – 31 days to 31 Stories Prompt

Today’s should be fun to explore. As are most unique settings, this should be a fun sort of challenge too.

Keep in mind:
Prompt 1 will be a scene setting sort of prompt.
Prompt 2 will be a ‘Use this sentence (or partial sentence) prompt.

Prompt 1:

Neighbors meet with a visiting geologist that provides facts proving their island is sinking.

Prompt 2:

Standing on the precipice…

Don’t forget to visit our streamers – like AmandaPandaSensei

She’s streaming Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 4p JST