Use this sentence:
The answers came to (me, him, them, she) as they watched from a distance.
Where Writing and Success Come Together
Use this sentence:
The answers came to (me, him, them, she) as they watched from a distance.
Write a story you’ve already created this month from the perspective of an animal in the story, or an insect watching it.
Use this sentence:
Moving so fast made everything a blur.
Imagine being isolated in a room you must escape from. It’s a test for the character they must pass, or face dire consequences.
Use this sentence:
It was only when I (they/he/she) stopped to tie my (their/her/his) shoes that I (they/him/her) realized the truth.
Write a story from a bird’s eye view.
Use this sentence:
A soft breeze gave way to fragrant smells and welcoming sounds of a rural town.
Your character is shipwrecked without the usual contact methods. They are not alone, but is that (person, animal, creature, alien) friend or foe?
Have your character begin the story at the lowest point in the story. Describe their journey to the happiest moment.
Use this sentence:
As darkness descended, the howling began.