Use this sentence
This changed everything.

Where Writing and Success Come Together
Use this sentence
This changed everything.
Echoes of the past return to haunt the present. Tell us how and show us how it’s handled again.
Use this sentence:
A captivating view pulled their attention.
Find that one person in your character’s life that is constantly bragging or putting superficial things first and teach them gratitude.
Use this sentence
The crystal fruit held unique properties, rarely seen.
Create a story where Dragons are real to the world and their history is etched alongside our own. Be it Asian or European style how would their existance have changed thngs we know?
Use this sentence:
The waves glistened beneath the noon sun.
Go back to a moment in history few people know and tell the story of how it happened with your character as either a witness or participant.
An unexpected noise breaks the silence of the moment. What does it sound like? What does it mean?
A soft whistle breaks the silence of the moment.