Prompt 1
The world spins out of control for your character and the bottom drops from beneath them. What gives them the will to continue? Hope to see improvement?

Use this sentence:
Everything evaporated.
Where Writing and Success Come Together
Prompt 1
The world spins out of control for your character and the bottom drops from beneath them. What gives them the will to continue? Hope to see improvement?
Use this sentence:
Everything evaporated.
Prompt 1
Sitting in a calm city center, your character is surprised by an unexpected volcanic eruption.
Use this sentence:
Midday becomes dark as night as the ground rumbles below.
Let’s rock some prompts!
Prompt 1
A relic is found in an unexpected place. Tell us about it and why it matters.
Use this sentence:
The long path through the ancient town drudged on.
Prompt 1
A whale appears in a random place and needs to be returned to their home.
Use this sentence:
The sky above demanded attention due to an unexpected view.
Good momentum so far!
Prompt 1
A dog wanders in to your character’s path and collapses. How do they react? Why did they collapse?
Use this sentence:
The wagging tail drooped as the dog’s knees appeared to buckle before they stopped moving.
Alright my friend! This one is good.
Prompt 1
Find an area where echo can lead your character home (or to safety)
Use this sentence:
Footfalls echoed off the walls as the group moved together in the darkness.
Prompt 1
During the course of an otherwise unremarkable day, your character begins to suspect that they’re being watched.
Use this sentence:
This was a quiet place, but certainly not a lonely one.
Alright my wonderful friends! The first week is nearly over.
Prompt 1
An unexpected animal follows your character home with startling changes that follow.
Use this sentence:
The large wings flapped overhead with startling intensity.
One more day and you’ll have hit the first full week of 31 days! Don’t forget to sound off on twitter or in the discord #31d31s – tell us how you’re doing?
Prompt 1
Imagine a world without sound.
Use this sentence:
The eerie silence sent a chill down (their} spine.
Here we go again!
Prompt 1
Show how your character deals with the cause of persistent nausea.
Use this sentence:
Feeling awful didn’t mean slowing down.