31 Days Aug 2022 Prompt Day 6

Alright my wonderful friends! The first week is nearly over.

Prompt 1
An unexpected animal follows your character home with startling changes that follow.


Use this sentence:
The large wings flapped overhead with startling intensity.

One more day and you’ll have hit the first full week of 31 days! Don’t forget to sound off on twitter or in the discord #31d31s – tell us how you’re doing?

31 Days August 2022 Prompts day 2

How are you feeling so far? I know the first week for me is always charged and raring to go. It’ll be fantastic if I can carry it through to the half of the month. Then I’ll get to connect with all of you and we’ll do a fun discussion and go from there for the second half!

Okay, onto the important stuff! Prompts!

The distant sound of rustling is out of place. Why?

Use this sentence:

Falling hard against the ground left a mark.

Alright my friends! Don’t forget to visit http://twitch.tv/telinArtho for a fun morning brainstorm on with the prompts, image, and goal in mind!