Fantastic things are going on. What streamers have you visited? I can’t wait to drop into – so far my schedule has conflicted a bit but I’m sure we’ll get it straight. You should check ’em out.
A gem found hidden away becomes the key to righting a wrong.
The first two days finished off nicely. The writing was fun, but so was visiting streamers. Have you seen Angsthase yet? She’s an afternoon streamer and part of why the guidebook looks amazing. She really put a lot of time into the final look and beautiful design. I’m so thrilled with it.
Bragging aside, that’s the first of two prompts. Watch for the second to go live in about ten minutes! Can’t wait to see what you come up with!
A kitty stalks the darkness of a home hinting only that it exists, despite the home having no pets.
Use this sentence to start your story:
Moving day was easy until…
Was yesterday’s prompt fun? Which one did you pick? I hope you created something you really enjoyed. Today we’re going to change things up a bit. Hope you find it as interesting and creative or more so.
Keep in mind you can find the streamer schedule at the 31 stories page. Check it out when you’re ready to write with a streamer. Someone will be available that will be encouraging and supportive.
It’s hard to believe that August has arrived and so has our second challenge for the year. Things are going to be fantastic. We have 31 days of fun ahead!
Things to remember:
Prompts are optional; create what works best for you to create
You’re not in it alone; streamers and writers are available to offer support and write with you on twitch and in discord
If you have questions, ask; streamers and mods are ready to answer
Have fun! This should be key to your challenge, enjoy it. Creating is fun.
Now, onto the prompts!
Write a story for your mom
Create a tale for your mother about whatever you think she’d enjoy or want to read. Have fun with it.
Use the following sentence in your story:
Whining pierced the silence.
Every moment is a story
Drop a section in the comments of the post or in the participation channel of the Discord. Can’t wait to see what you come up with.
Recently, it’s come to my attention there is a little confusion about what constitutes a story for this challenge. I attempted to clarify during the event, but did not make myself very clear. With this in mind, I want to clear up any uncertainty.
My first stop was Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary. This is what I found:
Story (noun) – 1) an account of incidents or events 2a) a fictional account shorter than a novel
child reading a book
So, that sums up nicely the way I define a story. A short story is going to be something you create as a storyteller. It might be a slice of daily life, or it might be a complex take down of the covert dark government on a world far from home, or it might just be how the toes got polished different colors. It’s your story. Tell it how you want in the world you chose. Develop the plot, or write by the seat of your pants.
As long as you create your story between 1000 words and 15000 words you’re creating what qualifies for the 31 Short Stories Challenge.
As long as there are storytellers, there will always be stories. You who are reading this are a storyteller. You got this.
Pride is a variety streamer who tends to do more demystifying and education about their animal companions than actual writing most times. They take great enjoyment in writing for the pleasure of it and often tend to pursue stories and adventures that are fantastical or magical in nature. While they don’t have anything available in print just yet, they’re working hard on making serial stories available soon!
What do you stream? I stream mostly games, sometimes animals, and of course writing. My favorite genres are anything that loosely encompasses Fantastical settings and usually a lot of mythology and magic.
How long have you been streaming? Several years off and on
How do you keep your viewers engaged? I ask chat for their opinions on what to explore next, or how their own writing progress is going.
What is your favorite thing about streaming? Being able to share my ideas and writing with the wider world, in real time.
Where can people find you? Pride Ascending on Twitch, Twitter, Instagram and World Anvil, PrideItUp on 4thewords
From your interviewer: Pride Ascending has been a joy to watch on stream and enjoys an engaging chat, answering questions, and having fun. If you haven’t followed Pride on twitch don’t forget to visit HTTP://
As a writer and a streamer, I can tell you following will be fun.
As we get closer to 31 short stories, it’s my hope to share somethings to look forward to.
To help the creation process, prompts will be shared daily. Each one will be posted to the website here and auto-published in the Discord account too. A little streamlined, easy to find stuff is a wonderful thing.
The prompts will include an image, a quick suggestion for a story topic. It will be dependable for anyone who may need the prompt for their inspirational source during the month.
Many of the prompts will be able to apply to any genre and category. The broad nature should leave a lot of room for creative expression. Below is an example of what you may find on the site for your prompts.
Your main character needs to stop someone from a life and death decision that would leave chaos in its wake.
Once you’ve finished your prompt you can share it in Discord, or on the site. Give us your best lines or excerpt from the fun work you’ve created for that day! We can’t wait to see what you create and share ours with you.
As we look forward to the launch event, we have a plethora of opportunities to create, connect, and discuss all the things coming up. I hope to see you in the Discord.
Round 3 of 31 Short Stories in 31 Days just keeps getting bigger. Have you followed the #31s31d hashtag? Or the #31d31s? Both will start getting busy in the next few weeks. If you haven’t signed up yet you can do that from the 31-Stories page on this site. The fun is just beginning.
The discord is being revamped for function, but I’m hoping we’ll be able to get an updated design at some point too. There’s a lot going on. Our streamers are setting up their 31 stories stream overlays or backgrounds. Our writers are sharing the commitments in the participant chat, so we can all work together for accountability and support. Many of our short story support team will be lurking during the month to answer questions, be available on discord, and on the website while offering support throughout the month.
This is going to be the biggest short story a day event yet! Have you joined us? We’ll have a lot of activity on July 24th at 5p ET on my twitch channel – HTTP://
Maybe we’ll do a challenge accomplished feature during the June MEGA event. That is happening June 24th, 2022. If you need to know more about Writer’s Conduit check out and see the highlights from this past year!
I’ve been writing since I was at least 13. I grew up in a very conservative household, in a state with nothing to do, so writing it was! And lots of gaming lol. And art! At that age, a lot of it was writing down the adventures I went on with my imaginary friends; although there were certainly constructed characters as well.
I took writing, literature, and art classes all throughout high school. I didn’t pursue art classes in college due to money constraints, but I eventually got a B.A. in writing and wrote roughly 200 fanfics in the midst of all that. Now I’m writing + streaming original content, encouraged to do so by my friends.
But for a happy ending on the art front, I’m participating in Art Fight for the first time ever this year! I’ve already seen my art style grow by leaps and bounds through this event, and I’m excited to see what happens to my writing style through 31 Days of Short Stories!
What do you stream? Writing. Often queer autistic fantasy, although I have done sci-fi as well. On occasion, I also enjoy sharing digital art streams.
How long have you been streaming? I started this year! late April / early May specifically. I’m coming up on 100 twitch followers!
How do you keep your viewers engaged? Most of my audience likes to watch the words go nyoom! So I make sure that they can see the words I’m typing. A lot of writing streamers don’t, and it’s one of my biggest turn-offs with writing streamers. Just because you can read it doesn’t mean that your viewers can, and it’s important to respond to what your audience needs.
What is your favorite thing about streaming? Knowing people are there and care about the content I’m producing. Everybody puts a lot of time and energy into their craft, and some of us can’t wait and hope it pays off in the end. Some of us need support while we’re creating the thing, and having a live audience helps me in that regard.
Where can people find you? My carrd has everything relevant to me. I would particularly like to highlight my twitter @hfeproductions, my wordpress: and Queersletter: a monthly-ish newsletter of queer art and affirmation.
From your interviewer: HFE has been fun to get to know and I can’t wait to see what comes from possible submissions to 31 Tales! If you haven’t followed, please visit HTTP:// right now to fix that.
I hope you’ve visited a few of the other streamer events. They are a blast. I’ll link to my previous post about all of that at the end. Feel free to go back and check out the information.
Today we are preparing for the 31 short stories launch event on Twitch. I’ll have a giveaway going for 3 months of 4thewords. This will include the hoodie!
I’ve been really busy trying to figure out how to organize things. Without the incredible volunteers helping me out, I’d be so lost. My biggest thanks go to Heather W. Adams, published author, friend, and incredibly talented creative. She took my hastily thrown-together guide for January and made it a work of art. Having two kids home to work remotely challenged every bit of my sanity this past year. As we hit each milestone in the semester I diverted my attention to motherly things instead of prep for 31. Heather kindly offered to do an update for me. A month later she overhauled it and truly made it beautiful. If you’re participating in the event, you’ll be thrilled with the upgrade.
Because of her skilled hand, we’ll be putting the book up on the LuLu bookstore for sale as a workbook. It will be priced at cost as there is no goal to make a profit off the event. Unfortunately, giving the print book away free would also be a challenge as printing costs money. Can you tell I’m excited about next month, yet?
So, if you have a moment to stop by her stream, visit and tell her thank you for her incredible work on the guidebook. If you are in the discord, you’ll see it in a few days. Everyone else will see it during the launch event.
If you have never seen 4theWords – go visit and check out the fun game. It’s free for the first month and those participating in the 31 Short Stories Challenge will also get another free month. There are monsters, quests, and currently this month a special Water event. This blog post was written in 4theWords because I have a quest to fulfill.
We’re going to have a lot of fun come August, but July has been wonderful and fun too.
I hope you’ve visited SableAradia and the Game of Tomes, Tourney event – or CampNano – or the Writer’s Games 2021. This has been a full, fun, wonderful writing month. Twitch has been full of great people supporting one another.