Day 7 Prompt 1 – 31 days!

The unexpected pitter patter of little feet captures your MC’s attention at the worst possible moment.

A full week in! Have you read the guidebook for some ideas how to use these? Or used the gift available to everyone taking part? Are you in the giveaway?

So much is going on, stories and more! I love this community and the people in it. What are you enjoying so far?

Day 6 Use this Sentence Prompt

The momentum shifted after the slide.

So, which streamers have you visited? Did you find one that fits into your regular routine? I know many of our week centric writers find Author Brian Lou to be a great place to stop Saturday and Sunday morning. I know I’ve had fun in his stream. Hope to see you there!

Day 6 Prompt 1

Create a story recalling the first day of school.

We’ve made it to day five! Our list of stories is growing. How are you feeling about it? What stories are standing out to you so far? Have you shared a bit about it in the Discord? We’d love to see it 🙂

Day 5 Prompt

Today’s challenge prompt should be enjoyable. Did you remember to share the favorite part of your story on yesterday’s thread? Or in the comments on the site?

The option is there for all of us so we can get feedback, offer support, and connect with each other. I’ll get mine posted to the discord as well.

On to the prompts:

Police Officer & Megaphone

Your story starts with a character racing from the police. How did they end up in that position?

Use the following sentence in your story:

Sirens echoed in the distance

Prompt day 4 – Use the following sentence in your story

Within seconds, the calm breeze became a roaring, whirling wind.

Tree On Coast

Today is going to be more challenging for me. This should create some chaos though for the main characters. Let me know what you think about this prompt when you’re done with it.

Have you enjoyed having streamers and other writers to chat with? I know the entire community has been so supportive and a whole lot of fun!
You should make sure to check out our evening writers – we have many! One I am always visiting is KittenSaphire. She’s a an adventure author.

Prompts Day 3 – Short Story Challenge

A gem found hidden away becomes the key to righting a wrong.

The first two days finished off nicely. The writing was fun, but so was visiting streamers. Have you seen Angsthase yet? She’s an afternoon streamer and part of why the guidebook looks amazing. She really put a lot of time into the final look and beautiful design. I’m so thrilled with it.

Bragging aside, that’s the first of two prompts. Watch for the second to go live in about ten minutes! Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Day 2 Prompt


A kitty stalks the darkness of a home hinting only that it exists, despite the home having no pets.


Use this sentence to start your story:

Moving day was easy until…

Was yesterday’s prompt fun? Which one did you pick? I hope you created something you really enjoyed. Today we’re going to change things up a bit. Hope you find it as interesting and creative or more so.

Keep in mind you can find the streamer schedule at the 31 stories page. Check it out when you’re ready to write with a streamer. Someone will be available that will be encouraging and supportive.

Launch Day! First Prompt

It’s hard to believe that August has arrived and so has our second challenge for the year. Things are going to be fantastic. We have 31 days of fun ahead!

Things to remember:

  • Prompts are optional; create what works best for you to create
  • You’re not in it alone; streamers and writers are available to offer support and write with you on twitch and in discord
  • If you have questions, ask; streamers and mods are ready to answer
  • Have fun! This should be key to your challenge, enjoy it. Creating is fun.

Now, onto the prompts!

Super Mother

Write a story for your mom

Create a tale for your mother about whatever you think she’d enjoy or want to read. Have fun with it.


Use the following sentence in your story:

Whining pierced the silence.

Every moment is a story

Drop a section in the comments of the post or in the participation channel of the Discord. Can’t wait to see what you come up with.