A Short Story a Day Challenge

We’re declaring January Short Story Creation Month

The energetic start to the year is intended to foster a fun, creative beginning and forward momentum to launch 2021 forward together!

To add to the fun of it all there are several Twitch Writing Streamers who will be joining the challenge. We’ll be streaming writing, chatting, and conversation about writing. We are going to make this a fun, active month together!

For the month of January the goal is to create a short story every single day for the entire month. Much like creating a consistent creative flow in November, we’ll be doing that in January. Each short story will need to be between 1000 and 15, 000 words on any genre.

You will be able to visit:



And many others to enjoy the conversation and encouragement as we grow our short story backlist.

Would you like to join us?

You can either visit the streams or sign up here if you want to be more involved!

Watch this space for writing prompts, a guide book, and how to use your short stories to build your author career!