Use this sentence:
A soft breeze gave way to fragrant smells and welcoming sounds of a rural town.

Where Writing and Success Come Together
Use this sentence:
A soft breeze gave way to fragrant smells and welcoming sounds of a rural town.
In a moment of peace, life is swept away, leaving chaos in its wake. It could have been stopped.
Introduce a character to a new (alien, person, cow) and have them see what it’s like as the other for a day.
Use this sentence:
The explosion knocked (they, him, her etc) off their feet.
Birth heralds the growth of one kingdom and the doom of another.
The unmistakable sound of hooves hitting cobblestone drew the attention of those sitting in the room.
The beauty of the winged creature captivated the crowd.
Allow your character to explore a large building with unexpected surprises that lead to a life changing experience.
Use this sentence in your story:
My cat (dog, horse) spent the day trying to sit instead of playing.
What prompts are you using today? I’d love to find out in the discord.
Most of mine are titled on my streams – not in the stream description but my file description in 4TheWords. It sits at the top of my streams.
I’ll see you in the discord.
Create a story recalling the first day of school.
We’ve made it to day five! Our list of stories is growing. How are you feeling about it? What stories are standing out to you so far? Have you shared a bit about it in the Discord? We’d love to see it 🙂