Stories on Fire Prompt Day 5

Theme: Animal Antics

Huge hoof prints are found in the sand, trailing along one direction. If followed, show us what made the prints and the adventure taken to determine it.

Or use this sentence:
The echo rang out, starting a panic as people strive to determine what made the sound.

Streaming Feature – David Payne

A fantastic fun author jumping into the wonderful world of streaming, writing, submitting and more!

David has always considered himself a writer, and writing has always been a passion of his, even though for many years, it wasn’t his priority. Renewed in 2021 with “Writing Purpose”, he is embarking on writing while streaming and getting his work out there. Come join him in the writing adventure!

What do you stream? (or write in what genre)

I write whatever strikes my fancy, though I tend to default to Fantasy/SciFi/Other Speculative Fiction. Contemporary Fiction, Memoir, and others have been known to pop up too.

How long have you been streaming?

Since Dec 2021

How do you keep your viewers engaged?

Hopefully by chatting with them about their writing, goals, things that come up. We have sprints in my channel too, but let’s be serious, I tend to talk through them…

What is your favorite thing about streaming?

I quite enjoy the accountability of streaming my writing. Aside from that, I love sharing the writing process, working out writing challenges with others, and sharing in others’ successes.

How long have you been creating?

Well since I was ~10, but let’s just say last year because this is the first year I’ve felt like I am making progress.

Where can people find you?