Day 2 Prompt


A kitty stalks the darkness of a home hinting only that it exists, despite the home having no pets.


Use this sentence to start your story:

Moving day was easy until…

Was yesterday’s prompt fun? Which one did you pick? I hope you created something you really enjoyed. Today we’re going to change things up a bit. Hope you find it as interesting and creative or more so.

Keep in mind you can find the streamer schedule at the 31 stories page. Check it out when you’re ready to write with a streamer. Someone will be available that will be encouraging and supportive.

Launch Day! First Prompt

It’s hard to believe that August has arrived and so has our second challenge for the year. Things are going to be fantastic. We have 31 days of fun ahead!

Things to remember:

  • Prompts are optional; create what works best for you to create
  • You’re not in it alone; streamers and writers are available to offer support and write with you on twitch and in discord
  • If you have questions, ask; streamers and mods are ready to answer
  • Have fun! This should be key to your challenge, enjoy it. Creating is fun.

Now, onto the prompts!

Super Mother

Write a story for your mom

Create a tale for your mother about whatever you think she’d enjoy or want to read. Have fun with it.


Use the following sentence in your story:

Whining pierced the silence.

Every moment is a story

Drop a section in the comments of the post or in the participation channel of the Discord. Can’t wait to see what you come up with.

What is the definition of a Story or Short story for 31d31s?

Recently, it’s come to my attention there is a little confusion about what constitutes a story for this challenge. I attempted to clarify during the event, but did not make myself very clear. With this in mind, I want to clear up any uncertainty.

My first stop was Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary. This is what I found:

Story (noun) – 1) an account of incidents or events 2a) a fictional account shorter than a novel

child reading a book

So, that sums up nicely the way I define a story. A short story is going to be something you create as a storyteller. It might be a slice of daily life, or it might be a complex take down of the covert dark government on a world far from home, or it might just be how the toes got polished different colors. It’s your story. Tell it how you want in the world you chose. Develop the plot, or write by the seat of your pants.

As long as you create your story between 1000 words and 15000 words you’re creating what qualifies for the 31 Short Stories Challenge.

As long as there are storytellers, there will always be stories. You who are reading this are a storyteller. You got this.

Create. Enjoy. Have fun!

This Summer on and off Twitch

This summer is going to be busy – We’ve already been busy. 

Writer’s CONduit was a huge success. If you missed it, that’s fine. It was just our first year. We ended a three-day weekend with international scheduling for 77+ panels, guests, and fantastic discussions. There was a host of excitement, planned events, and wonderful support. Our Twitch Based event was one of the biggest, most exciting things I have ever been privileged to be a part of. 

Topics covered ranged from representation to writing as a business. It covered things like Streaming101 and picking your publishing future between Traditional and Independent (hybrid is also a great option). This amazing resource was 100% free of charge to anyone who wanted to see it. It will continue to be free of charge when you visit the YouTube channel. 

Follow or subscribe: and for videos, VODs, and updates. If you want to learn more about what’s going on around twitch, what’s going on in the writing community, or get involved with Writer’s CONduit 2022 please feel free to visit the website and get signed up for the newsletter.

Going forward we have many wonderful events coming up just around the twitch writing community, but really even beyond. I am participating in the Game of Tomes Tournament – Tourney of Tales, I believe as well as the 4thewords River Festival events. The great thing about these two is that I can combine my efforts and still contribute to both. There are streams all over twitch offering support for both events. If you search GoT or 4thewords you’ll find someone fun to chat with while you’re writing your next masterpiece. 

The other major project I’m undertaking for July is preparation for 31 Short Stories in 31 Days. That’s a challenge event I coordinate twice a year with the help of many really incredible twitch streams and friends. If you participated in January, you’ll be thrilled to see an upgraded guide book, available both in print and ebook. We will be releasing this second edition under Creative Commons and the print version will be at cost. 

The guide book will have many fun and fantastic options it had before, including 35 writing prompts, info on the event, and some fleshed out guidance. All of the streamers participating in the challenge will be able to give away a free version of the book. It will also have a glossary of industry terms, just to make it easier for everyone after the event. We’re working on an Edit Your Short Story challenge as well. All of the stories written during 31s31d will be eligible for submission to the 31 Tales magazine, launching in December this year. 

31 Tales is a charity magazine only accepting short story submissions from individuals participating in the event. This magazine will support Doctors Without Borders, but also help those submitting learn the process of submissions, contracts, etc. The short story cap for these tales is 3000 words, leaving plenty of room for many authors to contribute. 

All participants in 31s31d will also get a code for a free month to play 4theWords. If you opt to join the challenge, it would be a pleasure to gift that to you. This custom hoodie comes with every free month in addition to the chests of goodies.

We’re working on many other ways to bring value to our community and share in the incredible opportunities ahead. Watch this space for more information on 31 Short Stories in 31 Days and the streamers involved.