Prompt 1
Discover a new animal in the wild and tell us how and what they are.
Prompt 2
Reference a cat of some kind in your story.

Where Writing and Success Come Together
Prompt 1
Discover a new animal in the wild and tell us how and what they are.
Prompt 2
Reference a cat of some kind in your story.
Prompt 1
Imagine a quiet place is rattled by the movement of a large machine.
Prompt 2
Use this sentence:
The rumbling was odd, unexpected, and unnatural.
Prompt 1
Make friends with an unexpected wild animal.
Prompt 2
Begin the story with a description of the smell of rain.
Prompt 1
A character discovers something life altering. What is it? How does it affect the character? Their life?
Prompt 2
End the story with a smell.
Prompt 1
Imagine waking to a bright, blinding light. Navigate the room to an exit where sight may or may not return.
Prompt 2
End the story with a sound.
Prompt 1
Watch the devastation of a place on Earth from either the air or in orbit. Share what the character sees.
Prompt 2
Start the story experiencing a feeling.
Prompt 1
Imagine being inside a cave during an earthquake. Share the experience.
Prompt 2
Use this sentence:
Surviving can be it’s own reward.
Prompt 1
Find the adventure in a library.
Prompt 2
End the story with:
An amazing sunrise opens on a fresh new day.
Prompt 1
Write a story that feels good for reader, character, and author.
Prompt 2
Use this sentence in the story:
Racing down the path again reminded everyone of happier days.
Prompt 1
Try something new and unexpected with a known character by putting them in a situation they are not prepared for.
Prompt 2
Open your story describing a smell.